Welcome to Fed4FIRE+’s documentation hub!


This documentation site describes how you can get started on using the testbeds federated in Fed4FIRE+, or how to integrate your testbed into the Fed4FIRE+ federation.

To learn more about the Fed4FIRE+ project, please visit the general Fed4FIRE+ homepage.

Fed4FIRE+ End User Documentation

This section guides you through the first steps into using the resources available within the Fed4FIRE+ federation, and refers you to the proper documentation of each of the testbeds for more specific information.

Testbed documentation

An overview of the testbeds federated in Fed4FIRE+ can be found on Fed4FIRE+ Facilities overview.

To verify the current status of all testbeds federated within Fed4FIRE+, you can use the Federation Monitor.

For more information about the usage of each testbed, we refer to the specific documentation pages of each testbed:

Testbed Owner Documentation

Getting Started

When you want to join Fed4FIRE with your testbed, you can start with the following webinar (and accompanying slides): Fed4FIRE WP2: info for new testbeds.